SBA Announces Moratorium on Bona Fide Place of Business Requirements for 8(A) Business Development Program

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WASHINGTON – The U.S. Small Business Administration today announced a moratorium on the requirement that participants in SBA’s 8(a) Business Development Program must establish a bona fide place of business in a specific geographic area in order to be awarded any construction contract through the 8(a) Program due to the ongoing challenges of COVID-19.

Article: The Military Awarded This Years’ Service Members from the Navy, Air Force, Army and Coast Guard …

The military awarded this years’ Service Members from the Navy, Air Force, Army and Coast Guard for their courage and sacrifice.  See Military Times article dated July 25, 2022: For more information, please contact Darleen Stein at or 252-207-5246.

Article: Opportunities for Women Afloat Expand as 2023 Transfer Season Approaches

For the first time ever, more women were serving on small cutters than on large ones.   See article entitled, “Opportunities for women afloat expand as 2023 transfer season approaches” by Kathy Murray, U.S. Coast Guard, My CG, dated July 25, 2022:  

Article: NAVFAC Washington has Contracted for the construction of a new wargaming and analysis center in Quantico, VA

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Washington has contracted for the construction of a new Wargaming and Analysis Center in Quantico, VA.  It will provide next-generation technologies to help Marines better visualize the threat environment and gain competitive advantages over adversaries.