When. June 27, 2024 from 3:00 – 4:30 pm.
Where. Smith Anderson Law Firm, 150 Fayetteville Street, Suite 2300, Raleigh, NC 27602
Key highlights:
- Upcoming IDIQ Opportunities: Learn about upcoming federal IDIQ opportunities (including Alliant 3, COMET II, EPICS II, and NIH BPSS IV), and how to maximize your position on multiple award and scorecard based contracts. We will discuss the infrastructure needed to monetize your place on the contract.
- Uncompensated Overtime Policy (UOP): IDIQs often require offerors to address their Uncompensated Overtime Policy. We will discuss the updated, and sometimes confusing, FAR 52.237-10 and its relationship with contractor UOPs.
- Enforceability of Teaming Agreements: When is a prime/ subcontractor teaming agreement an enforceable contract, and when is it an unenforceable agreement to agree? Learn more about teaming agreement enforceability as you develop your teaming strategy.
- Q&A: Have your questions answered about IDIQ opportunities in this interactive session.
- Networking: Connect with industry peers and potential partners and teammates. Exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and explore collaboration opportunities in an informal setting.
Who should attend?
- Business Development Managers | Capture Managers
- Proposal Managers | Procurement Professionals
- Project Managers | Legal Advisors | Government Representatives
- Anyone interested in learning more about IDIQ contracts