A Discussion on the Potential Impacts of the Recent Elections on Defense
Guest Speakers:
Mr. Joe Corrigan, Managing Director, Government Affairs and Public Policy, Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Joe Corrigan offers clients a multidimensional understanding of the procedural, regulatory, and policy issues associated with the US defense market; the federal procurement of goods and services; major construction initiatives; and public/private partnerships. Joe focuses on appropriations for government defense contractors, having extensive experience advising clients interested in selling equipment and services to the federal government.
Joe routinely interacts with various sectors of the government, including the Department of Defense, Homeland Security, and State, and congressional defense committees. Joe also works with government contractors providing services for the military and the Coast Guard. Joe has experience shaping procurements for individual Soldier and Marine equipment, including small arms, ammunition, radios, body armor, parachutes, and other items worn or carried by dismounted forces. He is currently working on projects associated with the Army’s armored vehicle programs. He also assists clients with permits from the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and advises municipalities and companies on the USACE Civil Works Program.
A former officer in the US Army, Joe served in multiple assignments with the Army Corps of Engineers. Joe also served as the Army’s point-of-contact on Capitol Hill for Base Realignment and Closure, military construction, land conveyances, and Army leasing programs.
Today, he routinely speaks on acquisition topics to associations and to students at the Army War College as well as the Dwight D. Eisenhower School for National Security and Resource Strategy on the relationships between industry, the military and the Congress.
Thomas J. “TJ” Stapleton President & Founder, Stapleton & Associates, Alexandria, Virginia.
TJ currently serves as the President of Stapleton & Associates, LLC. Stapleton & Associates is a worldwide consulting firm that serves a “gold plated” client base that includes the world’s largest aerospace company, the largest provider of microchips to the Pentagon, and the world’s largest industrial battery company. Over a decade of successfully serving clients. TJ has a reputation on Capitol Hill and in the private sector as a positive, proactive business leader. Having successfully built one of the most successful consulting firms in the Defense and National Security arena, he is widely regarded as one of the finest consultants in the industry.
In the Pentagon, he served in the Army Budget Office as an analyst and programmer for the Army budget office. He also served as a Congressional Fellow on Capitol Hill for Senator Christopher “Kit” Bond (MO). He then finished his military career serving in the Army Budget Liaison Office as a liaison between the Army and the Defense Appropriations committees on Capitol Hill. After retiring from the Army, TJ went back to Capitol Hill to serve as the primary Defense staffer to Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison (TX).
A retired Army Officer, TJ spent over 20 years serving his nation. With command and staff assignments worldwide, he served in both Operation Just Cause (Panama-1989) and Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm (1990-1991). He was awarded the Bronze Star for Desert Shield/Desert Storm service. Additionally, he is a survivor of the attacks on the Pentagon on 9/11.
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