Topic: US SPACE: Geospatial, Sensor Data, Weather, AI/ML
Guest Speaker: Dr. Patel is currently a Program Manager and Scientist supporting the Space and Artificial Intelligence Portfolios with the Defense Innovation Unit (Office of Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering) in Mountain View, California. Dr. Patel works primarily in geospatial data science, leading efforts in adopting commercially-sourced satellite remotely sensed data (imagery and weather) and computer vision algorithms to support international and domestic needs like disaster response & climate change, as well as national security needs such as detecting anomalous and nefarious activities abroad. Specifically, Dr. Patel managed the program to build the first U.S. commercial synthetic aperture radar smallsats; capable of more frequent, all-weather imaging of the earth at significantly reduced cost. Dr. Patel also led up partnerships with NASA and the United States Geological Survey. For example, Dr. Patel led collaboration with multiple U.S. government and international agencies to create the “xView” series of international challenges to enlist the global community of machine learning experts towards tackling one of the Department of Defense’s hardest problems; detecting key objects in context in overhead imagery. xView has enabled thousands of developers to apply computer vision algorithms to things like identify property damage caused by natural disasters, as well as illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing through automated dark vessel detection. Dr. Patel is also an Air Force veteran (Nov 2015 – Nov 2021) who has twice deployed overseas to provide combat search and rescue support (against ISIS (2018) and al-Shabab (2021)) and domestic contingency support (for COVID-19 and California fires in 2020) in the defense of the United States. Recently, Dr. Patel has taken a part-time role as faculty in developing coursework at the University of Florida, specifically for teaching students on how to use computer vision techniques for geospatial applications, and an upcoming course on using quantum computing for geospatial applications.
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