DEFTECH Coffee Calls
Every Friday, 0900 Eastern, grab your Coffee, bring your ideas, and join the NC Defense Technology Transition (DEFTECH) Community for an open, informal, virtual “Coffee Call” to address your concerns and ideas regarding Innovation, Technology, and commensurate Leadership challenges. Learn about Federal technology requirements and business opportunities. Network virtually over a cup of coffee and connect with like-minded people. Learn how your innovation and technology can be applied to solve national security problems.
DEFTECH Coffee Call
Join us this Friday, January 13, 2023, @ 0900-1000 ET DEFTECH Coffee Call (TEAMS Link Below)
Topic: DEFTECH SBIR/STTR Checklist Overview
Guest Speaker: Jim Hargrove, NC DEFTECH Strategic Consultant
Description: The North Carolina Defense Technology Transition Office (DEFTECH) is excited to release the Checklist and Procedures for businesses considering Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Programs.
North Carolina is the “Frontline of the Future,” supporting the Nation’s defense and homeland security to provide technological overmatch in a changing joint and multi-domain operational environment.
The PURPOSE of this document is to provide a quick “one-stop” reference for companies considering pursuing SBIRs or STTRs, who are unfamiliar with the requirements and how to get started.
This document is only a guide; formal documentation and instructions are developed, distributed, and maintained by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) and SBIR/STTR participating Federal Agencies.
Show up early at 0800 for the DEFTECH Early Bird or at the 0830 Opps Update to join the DEFTECH Team as we review current federal technology opportunities.
*Note: The link is the same as the
Coffee Call.*
**Note: If you have a topic that you would like to present or recommend, please let us know at
Additional Links:
You can download a copy of the Checklist and presentation slides from the NC DEFTECH Shared Resources Folder:
DEFTECH Shared Resources
2023 DEFTECH Coffee Call Connection Instructions:
Microsoft Teams meeting
Join on your computer, mobile app, or room device
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 286 586 268 492
Passcode: SG3mYd
Download Teams | Join on the web
Or call in (audio only)
+1 980-296-2533,,849190916# United States, Charlotte
Phone Conference ID: 849 190 916#