SAME-USMC Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune, NC
June 18-24, 2023
Application Deadline: March 15, 2023
The SAME – US Marine Corps camp is geared toward students interested in pursuing engineering related studies in college or a service academy and is built on the steps professionals encounter when working with a client to deliver sound installation and facilities related products.
Campers live, eat and complete activities as a squad of 10, under the guidance of a uniformed service member and two STEM related working professionals. Berthing is provided in Marine Corps barracks, meals are taken at galleys or in the field, and instruction is conducted at various sites aboard MCB Camp Lejeune.
BASIC APPLICATION CRITERIA: • At least 15 years of age: Rising Sophomore, Junior, or Senior • Would like a minimum 3.2 GPA • U.S. Citizen • On track to attend college for a STEM degree • Physically fit and able to provide proof of medical insurance. Demonstrated leadership characteristics through participation in extra-curricular activities, sports, and/or community activities. • Please see the requirements for each individual camp.
COST: Registration fee for the camp is $800 (Army Camp is $100) . This total cost includes lodging, meals, materials, instruction, and mentoring. Once selected for a camp, campers must submit half of the registration fee to hold their spot. Sponsorships for the other half of the amount (or more) may be available from SAME Posts. Sponsorships are not absolutely guaranteed, and if not sponsored, you may have to pay the full fee.
TO APPLY: Visit To begin the camp application, you must create an account in Open Water. This is a competitive process and students are selected by the sponsoring Posts.
FOR MORE CAMP INFORMATION, CONTACT: Erin Ingersoll, Camp Registrar, at