Trademark Basics Boot Camp provides a comprehensive overview of trademarks and the federal trademark registration process. Each module focuses on a different topic and concludes with a live question-and-answer period with a USPTO trademark expert.
All events are free and open to the public. You can attend the entire series or just the modules that best match your interests.
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This module focuses on what trademarks are and the basics of trademark protection in the United States.
This module focuses on the key steps in the overall trademark registration process. Understanding the process is critical to avoid missing any filing deadlines, which could jeopardize your application or registration.
This module focuses on important principles related to trademark clearance searching and effective use of the USPTO’s trademark database.
This module focuses on the requirements for an initial trademark application. Knowing what is needed up front will help your filing process go more smoothly.
This module focuses on the USPTO’s electronic trademark filing system, including a live demonstration of how to fill out an application.
This module focuses on responding to office actions, the official letters that USPTO examining attorneys issue after reviewing your trademark application.
This module focuses on what happens after registration, including mandatory filings to keep your registration alive.
This module provides a unique opportunity for you to “meet the trademark experts.” Come prepared with all of your trademark questions to share with our Law Office Managing Attorneys and other trademark experts.